Nata dalla passione e dalla profonda conoscenza erboristica di Girolamo Varnelli quasi 150 anni fa, la Distilleria Varnelli si fregia con orgoglio della licenza UTIF n° 1.

Number one as the long tradition of Distilleria Varnelli as the first company in the Marche region to start spirits production.

Ordre International Des Anysetiers

Stories from the Distillery Francesco Lafranconi leads the American Chapter of Order International des Anysetiers

The Ordre International des Anysetiers is a revival of a large fraternity which was very active in France during the Middle Ages. At the time, there were many fraternities that grouped people of the same trade. Their aim was to provide mutual aid, both in a moral and a material kind, while protecting their professional interests.
The Corporation of the Anysetiers was registered at the Châtelet by Etienne Boileau, Provost of Paris, in the year of grace
1263 during the reign of King Saint-Louis. In those days, the anise was brought in caravans from China to Alexandria,
from where the precious seeds were shipped to Mediterranean ports. Anysetiers were used to crush the anise seeds to prepare ointments, drugs and liquors which were then provided to Kings and Lords, as well as to the common people.
Since the 1950’s the Ordre International des Anysetiers has been further evolving and in 1990 became a federation of more than 100 Commanderies, each of them formed into an independent association.
While the International Secretariat is based in Paris and the Gran Conseil de l’Ordre ensures the governance role at the central level, each constituent Commanderie is ruled by a Chapter led by a Grand Maistre. According to their activity, Commanderies may also create Bailliages which are subordinate to them at first but which are intended to become Commanderies themselves once they have grown to a sufficient size.
Anysetiers ranks are currently up to 10,000 members across the world and in 16 countries. This includes active, honorable members and friends of the Ordre.

The first American unit of Ordre International des Anysetiers was established on July 26th, 2012 in New Orleans thanks to the endorsement of the Varnelli family whose members are all active Anysetiers in Italy. Since then Distilleria Varnelli has been supporting the Bailliage of Louisiana which is subordinate to the valuable Italian Commanderie of Liguria while moving towards becoming an independent Commanderie.
The purpose is to spread the Anise Culture in the United States beginning in New Orleans and making this historic city the American point of reference for a bridge from the Mediterranean Sea.
The first American Chapter Anysetiers includes: Francesco Lafranconi - Master Mixologist -  who leads the chapter (Bailli); Liz Williams - President and Director of Southern Food and Beverage Museum in New Orleans; Ann and Paul Tuennerman – founders of Tales of the Cocktail; Laura and Chris McMillan - Co-founders of Museum of American Cocktails; Jacques Bezuidenhout - Master Mixologists; Camper English and Brenda Maitland – Writers; Paolo Domeneghetti - Founder and CEO of DS.

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Ordre International Des Anysetiers

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