Nata dalla passione e dalla profonda conoscenza erboristica di Girolamo Varnelli quasi 150 anni fa, la Distilleria Varnelli si fregia con orgoglio della licenza UTIF n° 1.

Number one as the long tradition of Distilleria Varnelli as the first company in the Marche region to start spirits production.

Historical Labels

Stories from the Distillery

Communication has always been a crucial point of reference in the strategic business approach and since the time of the founder Girolamo Varnelli a special care has been dedicated to distinctive ways to transmit values and means in according to the progress of the society. An ancient tradition and a old value sent through a new style and messages. The most beautiful labels, posters (painted by famous artists such as Beltrame, Adolfo De Carolis and Lazzaro Lazzarini), calendar and packaging are due to Antonio Varnelli. Since the early '900 this brand communication, thanks to the care of the details, has reinforced company's image and established a precious proof of the old italian tradition.  

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Ordre International Des Anysetiers

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Historical Labels

Stories from the Distillery

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