Nata dalla passione e dalla profonda conoscenza erboristica di Girolamo Varnelli quasi 150 anni fa, la Distilleria Varnelli si fregia con orgoglio della licenza UTIF n° 1.

Number one as the long tradition of Distilleria Varnelli as the first company in the Marche region to start spirits production.

On the International Women's Day an article from Norway

News & Events Apéritif article

On the International Women's Day an article dedicated to our women-run company on the Norvegian magazine Apéritif.

Latest from Mondo Varnelli

Recipes & Cocktails

The Virtuoso

Stories from the Distillery

Ordre International Des Anysetiers

Recipes & Cocktails

For Whom The Sun Rises

Stories from the Distillery

Historical Labels

Stories from the Distillery

Varnelli, the Anise Culture

DiscoverMondo Varnelli